ImageMagick v6 Examples --
Development and Bugs

ImageMagick Examples Preface and Index
These pages demonstrate and provide workarounds vor various bugs known to exist, or use to exist within IM.

Most of these bug demonstartion pages are not updated with the current distribution of IM. So that when a particular bug is fixed, the page can still demonstrate the unfixed effects of the bug. Check the version number at the bottom of the page for the last time those examples were generated.

Basically this allows for older IM users to check their implimentation, and apply workarounds for their scripts. Especially when they do not have control of the verions of IM that is installed on the system (for example on a ISP controled web server), or standard linux distro installations.

  -----    Bug Demonstrations     -----
Testing Bugs Examples Testing of Current Minor Bugs,
usually being fixed right now
- in flux -
IM Version 7 Recomendations Proposed changes to IM for
IM Version 7 redevelopment.
- in flux -
Future Development Notes In progress, and Future Proposals - in flux -
Semi-Transparency Draw Overlays of Semi-Transparent Colors Fixed, IM v6.0.0 beta
Draw Percent Drawing Percent Text Characters Fixed, IM v6.2.4
Resize Halo Resizing Transparent Images Fixed, IM v6.2.4
Blur Transparency Blurs of Transparent Images Fixed, IM v6.2.4-4
Animation Bugs Background Dispose Handling Fixed, IM v6.2.5-3
Displacement Bugs Multiple Displacement Map Bugs Fixed, IM v6.2.8-1
Composite Mask Composite Masking with Transparency Fixed - IM v6.3.4-11
  -----    IM Improvments Studies     -----
OrderedPosterizeImage() Ordered Dither Expandsion Notes Added to IM v6.2.9-8

Created: 15 August 2005
Updated: 23 May 2007
Author: Anthony Thyssen, <>
