#!/bin/sh # # Shell equivelent of the perl version (using -annotate option) # #font='-adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal--25-180-100-100-p-130-iso8729-1'; #font='Times'; font='Arial'; o=100 x=$o y=$o o2=`expr $x \* 2` o3=`expr $x \* 3` o5=`expr $x \* 5` o6=`expr $x \* 6` for a in 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 do echo "angle $a" convert -size ${o6}x${o6} xc:white \ -stroke '#600' -fill none \ -draw "line $o3,$o $o3,$o5" \ -draw "line $o,$o3 $o5,$o3" \ -draw "rectangle $o,$o $o5,$o5" \ -stroke none -fill black -box yellow -pointsize 24 -font $font \ -gravity None -annotate "${a}x$a+$o2+$o2" 'Default' \ -gravity NorthWest -annotate "${a}x$a+$x+$y" 'North West' \ -gravity North -annotate "${a}x$a+0+$y" 'North' \ -gravity NorthEast -annotate "${a}x$a+$x+$y" 'North East' \ -gravity West -annotate "${a}x$a+$x+0" 'West' \ -gravity Center -annotate "${a}x$a+0+0" 'Center' \ -gravity East -annotate "${a}x$a+$x+0" 'East' \ -gravity SouthWest -annotate "${a}x$a+$x+$y" 'South West' \ -gravity South -annotate "${a}x$a+0+$y" 'South' \ -gravity SouthEast -annotate "${a}x$a+$x+$y" 'South East' \ annotate_angle_`printf "%03d" $a`.miff done echo "Creating animation" convert -delay 20 annotate_angle_*.miff im_annotate_sh2.gif rm annotate_angle_*.miff echo "Animating" exec animate im_annotate_sh2.gif # Optimization Program gifsicle -b -O2 im_annotate_sh2.gif